2006 Publications

This section contains articles and news items about Yevgeny, as well as his interviews, as published in the international press during 2006.

Number of documents here : 13

Biographical (1)
Mironov as Presentiment
Izvestiya, 11.29.2006
In The News (4)
The Moscow Times, 10.13.2006
Best Russian Actors, Actresses Picked
russia-ic.com, 05.19.2006
engl.mosmetro.ru, 2006
"Russian of the Year"
loreleiweb.com, 2006
Materials in Other Languages (8)
Spanish (2)
Solzhenitsyn en la TV Rusa
sobrelatele.com.ar, 02.15.2006 (article)
Ukrainian (4)
Миронов проти Машкова
Комсомольска правда в Україні, 10.13.2006 (article)
Небо. Пластилін. Дівчина
Дзеркало тижня №29, 07.29-08.04.2006 (article)
Полювання на матрьошку
kinokolo.ua, 04.14.2006 (film review)
Війна війною, а життя триває
День, 02.09.2006 (stage review)