The miniseries The First Circle ... gratifies with outstanding performances by Yevgeny Mironov [and others].
Leonid Pavliuchik
Literaturnaya gazeta, 2006

I was tremendously impressed by the casting, particularly of Yevgeny Mironov ..., who was chosen for the part by Solzhenitsyn himself.
Viktor Svinin
Tomskii vestnik, 2006

The clarity, lucidity and restraint [of the series] serve as a tasteful setting for the brilliant performances. Yevgeny Mironov [and others] electrify the screen and capture all of the novel's manifold meanings.
Yelena Dyakova
Novaya gazeta, 2006

Appearing as Gleb Nerzhin is Yevgeny Mironov, a star of the first magnitude, as proven by his Prince Myshkin and a variety of other roles in the films of today's leading directors.
Aleksei Solonitzyn
Volzhskaya kommuna, 2006

Yevgeny Mironov as Nerzhin ... is superb here as usual.
Liudmila Donetz
Rodnaya gazeta, 2006

Yevgeny Mironov did a first-rate job with Nerzhin.
Andrei Nemzer
Vremya novostei, 2006

The central male characters are of particular interest, above all the hero, Gleb Nerzhin (Y. Mironov).
Tatiana Bushmelyova
TDT, 2006

With virtually no means of expression other than telling glances, Yevgeny Mironov and Galina Tiunina fill the scene [of their rare meeting] with such complex and tragic content that a whole novel would not have words enough to tell their story. ... Declaring that Mironov is worthy of bearing the name of his legendary predecessor [, actor Andrei Mironov,] is redundant. We know that he is equal to the challenge of any role, be it Hamlet or Prince Myshkin.
Anna Shadrina
Sovietskaya Belorusiya, 2006

D. Pevtzov and Y. Mironov deliver top-notch performances.
Sergei Kaznacheyev
Literaturnaya gazeta, 2006

[The series features] sterling – absolutely sterling! – performances by Mironov [and others].
Yelena Afanasyeva
Yezhednevnyi zhurnal, 2006

Yevgeny Mironov's Nerzhin deserves a separate article. It is a major success.
Aleksei Filippov
Russkii kourier, 2006

Yevgeny Mironov is magnificent as the hero, Gleb Nerzhin.
Irina Petrovskaya
Izvestiya, 2006

Mironov's remarkable reserve and serenity onscreen gladden the heart.
Lidiya Maslova
Kommersant Ukraina, 2006

The character of Nerzhin has the lines but not the meat for the level of acting of which Mironov is capable.
Revekka Khrumkina

Bring in Yevgeny Mironov to play a name in the Yellow Pages, and you may be sure he'll do wonders with it.
Sergei Palchikovsky
Pervaya Krymskaya gazeta, 2006

[Translated by Vlada Chernomordik for the Yevgeny Mironov Official Website]