The Moscow Times
John Freedman

I can't decide whether I thought the 2009-10 theater season was long and protracted, or whether it whizzed by in a flash. What I do know is this: It now, indeed, is over. Let's take a rest. But before we do, let's take a moment to remember those moments we shouldn't forget.

Drum roll, please. Here they are, the 18th annual Moscow Times theater awards. ...

Tough as Steel, Built to Crumble: Sergei Chonishvili in Bulgarian director Yavor Gardev's production of Jordi Galceran's The Grönholm Method at the Theater of Nations. Chonishvili turned in a brilliant performance as Fernando, one of four candidates competing in a strange group interview for a high-powered corporate position. His Fernando was sharp, haughty, witty and impervious to attack. At least he was until he melted into a puddle of vulnerability and pain when the real rules of the interview were revealed. ...

Best Production:
I love problems like this – I can't decide. And so I grant the prize jointly to two exquisite shows: A Stalemate Lasts But a Moment at the National Youth Theater, and The Grönholm Method at the Theater of Nations. Both were directed and designed with taste, clarity and bite. Both were acted with brilliance. The twin peaks of the season. ...